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What is android 4

Android 4.0 is Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

Will be there any new Major Release of Android 4x line beside Android 4.4.4 or is the Android 4.4.4 the Last of the Android 4x Line?
As of this writing, it is unknown if "Android L" will bring us into Android 5.0, or if it will a 4.xx update.

Is iPhone 4 an Android phone?
No it is not

How long before Five Nights at Freddy's 4 comes out on android?
The game has already been released for android!

Which is faster the Samsung android or the iPhone 4?
This depends on what Android phone you are referring to. Currently, the Samsung galaxy note 9 specs Galaxy S II and Galaxy S III are much faster than the iPhone 4/4s. Any high-end Android phone from Samsung is likely to be must faster than the iPhone 4/4s.

Where can you buy authentic Android toys?
Authentic Android toys is at can be found at website The website has been over the last 4 years working with their friends at Google and fellow designers to produce multiple editions of Android» collectible figures!

Which is better android or iphone?
I have a iPod Touch and an Android phone and I prefer Android. Android has more customization like live wallpapers, widgets, a home screen iOS is much more restricted you couldn't until iOS 4 where you could change the wallpaper, iOS is only good because it has x1.5 the amount of apps that android has.

Which is better ios or android?
I have a iPod Touch and an android phone and I prefer android. Android has more customization like live wallpapers, widgets, a home screen iOS is much more restricted you couldn't until iOS 4 where you could change the wallpaper, iOS is only good because it has x1.5 the amount of apps that android has.

How much MB mega bits real racing 3 android game in galaxy young s6312?
Real racing 3 android game in galaxy young s6312 is about 4 MB in size.real racing 3 android game in galaxy a50 specs young s6312 is about 4 MB in size.

What are some of the best phones?
probably the iphone 4 and the android

Can you upgrade android 2.2 to 3.0?
No. Android 3.x was designed specifically for tablets and will not run properly on phones. However, you can update to Android 4.x which supports both phones and tablets. Alternatively, you can update to Android 2.3.x, but you will be sacrificing the new features included in ICS and Jelly Bean.

What are the release dates for Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Android Explosion 4-68?
Dragon Ball Z - 1989 Android Explosion 4-68 was released on: USA: 11 December 2000

Is they a Call of Duty game on android?
yes and also for i phone 4

Is the iPhone better than the Google android?
Hard to say ... you know, Apple iPhone, that's a a lot of restrictions from apple ... Android is opensource - no restrictions .... iPhone is heavily restricted, Android isn't. There's only 4 iPhones, Android has hundreds. iPhone isn't very customizable, Android is. iPhone can't install Custom ROM's (These change the whole look of the phone OS) iPhone can't. ;)

What is the world's best Android phone?
theres 2 iphone 4 and a blackberry

Why does the picture get enlarged when set as wallpaper on the Android phone?
Because its not an iphone 4

Is an iPhone 4 an Android phone?
No, iPhone uses iOS as its operating system.

Why does cell absorb android 18?
To become his perfect form. But Gohan kicks Cell and Cell spit out android 18. Then became his imperfect form. Look up cell spits out android 18 at WWW.you tube.com What u waitin' 4? Do it dude/dudettes!

How do you take pictures of text on your Android phone?
There is no easy way of taking a screenshot without rooting on Android 1.5-3.1.x. But Android 4.x devices can take screenshots. Simply hold the volume down key and the power key briefly and your screenshot will be saved.

In Dragon Ball Z how many androids are there?
6 in Dragon Ball Z Android 13 Android 16 Android 17 Android 18 Android 19 Android huawei honor 20 pro specs

Who made the android?
Android Inc. at first was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner,Nick Sears and Chris White. At first they have plans to develop it as an, Operating system for Digital cameras but later on they learned that its doesn't have that much big market to target, so they change their plans and start targeting Smartphones and later on it was overtaken by Google Inc.

What android and HTC sense ui version does the HTC one s run?
Being part of the ONE series, it runs Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich and HTC Sense 4.

How do you make a crafting table on minecraft android?
4 wooden planks in a square pattern

Why wont my android cellphone let me bluetooth games to my friends who are also on android?
Android cellphones does not allow users to share Android apps via Bluetooth. Though, if you want to share and transfer Android apps from one Android cellphone to another, you can use Android apps which allows users to share Android app.

Do you need an Android phone to download Android apps?
Yes. Android have their own format of apps (.apk) and galaxy s8 plus antutu benchmark they can only be run on android. Unless you have an android emulator on your computer.

How do you remove my gmail account in android from my PC?
You cannot remove your gmail account in android from PC. To remove it from android, you need Android only. In settings of android, you can delete it.

Who is stronger Android 16 or Android 17-?
Android 17 is stronger than Android 16 because it is a later version.

How many different types of versions in Android?
Android versions :- Cupcake, Android 1.5 Donut, Android 1.6 Eclair, Android 2.0 Froyo, Android 2.2 Gingerbread, Android 2.3 (currently the latest for cellphones) Android 3.0 (but it has been specially designed for tablets and not cell phones, so stands separately then the conventional versions)

What is an android application on mobile phones?
An android app is meant for phones with an android based operating systems. They can be downloaded from the android app Market which is pre-loaded on every android phone

What are the answers to level 4 on world logo quiz for android?
I really dont know LOL!

What are good free music apps to download on an android?
4 shared music works well for huawei nova5 pro antutu rating me

What does android stands for?
Android does not stand for anything Android simply means robot

How do you Skype from Android?
You will have to download "Skype for Android" in the Android market or Google Play.

What is meant by android 4.3?
Android 4.3 is a version of Android operating system.

Can update the android version 2.3 to 4?
depends mainly on two things, the phone and the service provider. the phone must meet certain specifications for android 4.0 AND service provider must provide you with the update.

I accidentally installed teamwin on my nexus 4 and did a faftory reset how do I fix this?
You will have to install the Android OS from scratch. You can download the right factory image from the Google Dev site: website

What is a phone android?
There's nothing named "phone android" rather the correct term would be "Android Phone" anyway an Android phone can be said as a device running Android as an Operating System.

What are the answers to level 4 on the world logo quiz for Android?
The answers for level 4 of the World Logo Quiz on Android are: Yamaha Wella Adobe Nestle Lotus Paramount Cern Xerox Intel HSBC Ralph Lauren St. Microelectronics Martini Subaru The North Face

Is Android 2.1 faster than Android 1.5 on HTC Dream?
Android 2.1 is faster than Android 1.5 on HTC Dream.

Is cartoon wars 2 harder on iPod or android?
It is incredibly harder on android. I have it on iPad and Android. Game is insane on android easy on iOS.

How do you make an Android account?
There is no such thing as an Android account. You need to create a Google Account for use certain services on Android such as Android Market

Who owns the Android phone?
There is no phone known as 'the android' the actual OS is known as android.

What is android cellphone?
An Android Cellphone Is a Phone That Runs The Google Android Operating System.

What is Android PC?
There is no "Android PC" that exists that I know of. Android is an OS for Smartphones and Tablets

Which Android is Cell?
Though Cell is not an android, he is considered Android #21 in some cases.

What is android wear?
Android Wear is a variant of the Android OS that's specific for huawei y6 2019 specs honor 20 lite specs smartwatches.

What episode does goku turn super saiyian 4?
Ssj 4 goku first appears in the episode where he faces super android 17

What kind of phones does one direction have?
Harry- IPhone 4 Liam- Android Niall-iPhone 4 Zayn-Blackberry Louis-blackberry

How do you install android in java mobile?
No it is not possible to install android in java mobile. Its hardware is not compatible with android and also it does not enough memory to install android.

Is cell an android?
Though Cell is not an android, he is considered Android #21 in some cases. However, some people say Cell is a bio android.

What does android 2.2 mean for a phone?
Android 2.2, Froyo, is a version of the android OS. When shown on a phone, it means that you are currently using android 2.2.

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